Gothenburg -
Shetland - Orkney - 2006
In warm summer weather July 24, 2006, Celeste departured for here route over the North
sea to Shetland.
The crew on this route was:
Fredrik Carlsson
Anna-Eva Sparf Hansson
Helena Haugwitz
Michael Hörlin
Flemming Lauritsen
Timo Lindberg
Håkan Lindqvist
Magnus Mårtensson
Karin Sjöstrand
Bengt Tarre
Stefan Thorn
Hampus Wennerlund
The route started with a short stop at Styrsö for bunker diesel before Celeste headed out over
Kattegat in the
evening. Outside Denmark and south of Norway there was some tuff sailing
with strong winds from west. On the North sea the wind decreased and backed
over to North. The third day at sea was filled with nice gennaker sailing. In the
early morning July 28, Celeste arrived to Shetland and Lerwick.
After two days on Shetland the route kept on to Fair Isle and after that to
Orkney and Kirkwall. At Orkney there was time for visiting Higland Park Whisky
distillery. On 3 August the course was set east to Sweden and Gothenburg. On the
way back there was a stop in Denmark, Skagen before Celeste arrived in
Gothenburg 6 august.